Integrative Veterinary Medicine is a healing oriented medical approach that takes into account all aspects of an individual: body , mind and spirit . It makes use of all appropriate conventional and complimentary medical options to offer a larger variety of treatment options for patients . It emphasizes the importance of choosing the “best tool from the box”, when considering treatment options for patients and often combines the best options available from both Eastern and Western medical approaches to achieve the maximum benefits possible .
This form of medicine can be applied in an interventional fashion for patients that are currently experiencing disease and dysfunction . In all cases, it can be combined with conventional treatment options in an effort to maximize both quality and quantity of life for patients experiencing chronic disease and dysfunction. Examples of such conditions include : kidney disease , liver disease, autoimmune disease ,cancer , arthritis, neurologic disease and chronic pain.
Integrative (alternative ) medicine can be also used in a preventative fashion in our younger and healthier patients in an effort to maximize health and design individualized Wellness Care Programs. Such programs allow for individual recommendations regarding vaccination, diet ,supplements/nutraceuticals, etc. In this way , we can address any health issues and susceptibilities early on, which ultimately leads to a longer , healthier, happier life for our animal friends.
Written by: Dr. Eva Groesbeck , DVM, CVA, CVCHM